What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

I would like to say they were quick on call very polite very patient doing the job very thoroughly and I would recommend them for cleanup, I'm very impressed.  And their understanding on the personal situation and they also answer your questions when you asked Devin.  I am very satisfied.

Nolan (and the team) went above and beyond.  He was professional, communicated well, got the job done, and made the best of what was a terrible situation.

We couldn't have asked for more!!

This was a very emotional time for me and your SERVPRO staff was very cognizant of that fact.  Very supportive and understanding.  I was very appreciative of the helpfulness of your staff and their knowledge and recommendations for saving what remaining personal/sentimental items we could.  Shout out to Devin and Stacy.

More proof that SERVPRO of Brainerd and Park Rapids is "Here to Help.

On April 23rd we experienced a sewage backup in our basement.  We called SERVPRO right away and our experience with them is worthy of telling others.

I have been telling everyone about SERVPRO and what excellent work they do.  The constant communication to me as they did the work was very much appreciated!  I have been watching those TV commercials for a long time and had the chance to use them.  Best help ever!  Thank you!